DSU Member's Fast CAT Discount Program
Dog Sports Unlimited appreciates all the good people that bring their dogs out for the Fast CAT events we hold. We also appreciate the fact that it can get a little expensive when you're chasing a lure for more than just fun. Chasing AKC titles is never a cheap endeavor.
We want to show our appreciation for the people that are making Fast CAT the fastest growing AKC sport in the country​. In order to do that, we've created the DSU Member's Fast CAT Discount Program. The way it works is very simple. Become a member of the DSU website and save $5.00 every time you run your dog in an AKC event.
Once you've become a website member you will have access to the Coupon Code page where you will find the codes for all our upcoming Fast CAT events. Use that code at the time you purchase your tickets and you'll save $5.00 on each ticket.
This program is not associated with any particular club. DSU operates Fast CAT events for multiple clubs and it doesn't matter which club's event we are operating.
Your participation in this program won't take any monies away from the clubs that make the events possible and the AKC will still get all the money they normally would.
We hope to be able to show our appreciation in more ways as time goes on.
If you think this sounds like something you would like to be a part of, just do the following:
Click the Log In button on the menu bar at the top of this page.
Type in your email and create a password.
If you don't want to be a part of the community you can uncheck the box below the signup button.
Click the Sign Up button.
Your membership request will be sent to us.
You will get an email congratulating you for joining Dog Sports Unlimited and there will be a link provided back to the site. Log in and that's all it takes! You can start saving money right away.
Once you're a member you'll have access to the Coupon Codes page. Go there to find the coupon code for the event you're entering.